Saturday, May 3, 2014


Kau begitu sempurna
Dimataku kau begitu indah
Kau membuat diriku akan slalu memujimu

Disetiap langkahku
Kukan slalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa kubayangkan hidupku tanpa cintamu

Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna... Sempurna... 

Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku
kalau suka like je la..atau tick je kt reaction :)

kau ilhamku

Beribu bintang di langit kini menghilang
meraba aku dalam kelam
rembulan mengambang kini makin suram
pudar ilham ku tanpa arah

Sedikit wajahmu muncul dalam diam

ada kerdipan, ada sinar
itukah bintang atau rembulan
terima kasih ku ucapkan

Izinkan ku mencuri bayangan wajahmu

Izinkan ku mencuri khayalan denganmu

Maafkan lah..Oohh..

Andai lagu ini mengganggu ruangan hidupmu

Kau senyumlah..Oohh..

sekadar memori kita di arena ini

Kau ilhamku

Kau ilhamku

ps: thank you yunk nyanyikan lagu ni dgn gitar..da suka awk main gitar kt it
masa sakit ni la slalu dimanja..huhu..bwak g pnjam moto..belikan mknan..rsau kt sy..
sori klu sy x hargai awk...mrah2 awk..majuk ngn awk..xda niat pun sebenarnya..
sy sbenarnya syg kt awk..sgt2..hehehheh

kalau suka like je la..atau tick je kt reaction :)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

story of him

dia klu ak mrajuk..x blas wechat..
dia akan anta msg..klu x reply gak
inbox fesbuk..last2 msg number lain
that show how much he love and care for me..
me??keep demanding...nk dia pujuk gak..
how terrible i am..x bersyukur lngsung
how mad i am,i always end up forgiving him
no matter what
so my dear
i am sorry for being such a childish, 
difficult to handle
but i promise u'll never find a girl that truly love u
like me <3 div="">
sy akn cuba berubah perangai kuat majuk tu..
tp x jnji...heheehe..

kalau suka like je la..atau tick je kt reaction :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

touching heart

No wonder love is so difficult, Im still clumsy
honestly, now I am used to the sadness that love seems far away
We are too similar, only being stupid
Sometimes we have to go separate ways and have to collide each other,
Maybe it’s love,
whenever I see you, my heart is filled with emotions
You awoke my rusted and frozen heart
Please love me,
Please hold me,
even the pain I hide
So that painful tears and sad loneliness
wouldn’t come to me again
I am afraid to give my heart,
afraid of the pain that would follow.
It’s my heart that I trashed and kept for a while,
When did you enter my heart, when did you fill it up
My heart with you fragrance, your memories
Maybe it’s love,
whenever I see you, my heart is filled with emotions
You awoke my rusted and frozen heart
Please love me,
Please hold me,
even the pain I hide
So that painful tears and sad loneliness
wouldn’t come to me again
The person that was hidden behind all the tears
The one and only person I have waited
for such a long time
Maybe it’s you,
when I’m with you
I’m smile even though I’m hurt
The person that healed my deep wounds and the tears
that were like my habit
I will show you,
I will give you all the love that I kept
So that words of loneliness and separation
wouldn’t exist between us
So that only love would remain

kalau suka like je la..atau tick je kt reaction :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

what should i do

You ask me how my day was as if it is same everyday
I say I’m okay but you really don’t know how I feel
Do you think I’ll be okay without you?
Are you okay without me?
The world without you is so hard that I blame myself for still breathing

What should I do? Even now, I live each painful days because of your words
Tell me if this is a bad thing to do
Are you living each day painfully like I am?
You and me

Are we too late? Do we not have a chance?
I still think about you and you might know this
Finally is this it? Are we going to end like this? Is it okay with you?
I don’t think I can do it. The love I find with you, I won’t find it anywhere even if I die

What should I do? If it isn’t you no one else can hold my heart
Please hold me. And you know that even though the whole world tries to
No one can erase your memories. So please hold me

What should I do? Even now, I live each painful days because of your words
Tell me if this is a bad thing to do
Are you living each day painfully like I am?
You and me

Is it too late? Do we not have a chance?
But me, I still think about you, and you might not know.

kalau suka like je la..atau tick je kt reaction :)

Friday, July 19, 2013

That Woman

One woman loves you
She loves you with all her heart
Everyday she follows you like a shadow
She is laughing but crying

How much more How much more
Must I gaze at you like this alone
This meaningless love, this miserable love
Must I continue for you to love me

Come closer a little bit more
When I take a step closer, you run away with both feet
I who loves you, even now I’m at your side
That woman is crying

That woman is very timid
So she learnt how to laugh
There are so many things she cannot tell her closest friend
That woman’s heart is full of tears

So that woman said she
loved you because you were the same
Another fool, another fool
Won’t you hug me once before you go

I want to be loved, my dear
Everyday in my heart, in my heart
I shout out
That woman is beside you even today

Do you know that woman is me
Don’t tell me you know and are doing this to me
But you won’t know because my dear, you’re a fool

kalau suka like je la..atau tick je kt reaction :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

i need u, dad!

akak nk ayah balik pliz~~
saat ayah xda..msalah dtg bertimpa2
xtau nk luah kt spe
rasa kecewa..sedeyh..
akak xleh tnggung sorang2..
bila ada masalah akak xleh nk berhenti hrapkan ayah
kadang2 akak nanges sorang2..
rindukan ayah..
tp depan org akak kna pura2 tabah
mcm xda apa2..
hakikatnya hati akak pedih tgk org len bleh hepi ngn family dorang

akak minx maaf
akak xleh trima kehilangan ayah lg..
akak x sempat nk gembirakan ayah lg..
akak sekarang dh x kuat mcm dulu,,
dh x tabah..akak sekarang cpat nanges
knapa semua org nk tnggalkan akak
im really miss u,
im really need u.

moga Allah ampunkan dosa2 ayah dan tempatkan ayah di kalangan hamba2Nya y beriman

kalau suka like je la..atau tick je kt reaction :)
